Sunday, August 5, 2012

New painting (oil on paper with the sun shining through the back of it)

Went to the mall yesterday to get my hair cut and they had a white 2012 M3 sitting right there inside the mall. That car is so gorgeous. Here's an oil on paper picture I finished up yesterday. The under portion is a giant sun painted with oils. Over that is blue chalk shading for sky and green chalk shading for earth (though you can't those colors too clearly in the picture below). Normally if you had a picture of grass and sky, the sun would just be in the sky, in this case though, the sun is behind both. On paper, the oil from the oil paint makes the paper translucent. When you hang the paper on the window, as I did with this one as I shot it, you get the effect of the light coming through the back of it and illuminating it like stained glass almost, except that this way has more texture than glass can for the most part.

Here's a detail if you want to look closer: