Friday, July 20, 2012


The thing about writing is how can you make it sound like this. There's nothing like a hungry human voice. You get that in rap, you don't get that in all music. That's the thing I have against crafting something until it just becomes writing, and not whatever you said when you were hot. That's the thing about how most writing is, it's like journalism or something. Then you lose all the taste though, and you just get the feeling from it that the writer has thought a lot about what he's writing and chose all the words carefully, and went back and tightened it. Sure they do that in rap music too but the delivery is a huge part of it. So you can show emotion even if the lyrics are really crafted. How do you do that in writing though when there's no voice, just the words. That's something man. Like if you look at my post about Pavla's dad, that's way crafted. I don't know man. I want the writing to be straight and real, which to me means not stepped on. But I don't know. It's tough writing something in one moment full of whatever and then leave it alone. Even though it's true in some way and in that moment it was perfect, when you look back on it cold, it's not perfect anymore. Still it feels more real if you leave it alone. I dont know.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Picture I made

I wrote this last night and colored it today at work. ignore any grammar mistakes pls. it's not about that.
There is a standing tall glass and a diamond. Which would you rather have? A window and seeing? Or a shard of this earth?

Sunday, July 15, 2012

yeah loved doing this this morning

Put these down in the park today in chalk. I found a nice little corner up on Vitkov hill this morning. So Marsh and I sat there and a couple of these came to mind. The first one is just about money and thinking about that sort of thing. If you rollover the image you can see the text.

is there any part of this life that's mine? Guess not. I'll ABR (always be renting). Gotta try to make the money though. Get out of here and be able to TCOP (take care of people).

I like playing with abbreviations of things that aren't normal (like the ABR and the TCOP). This second one is just about changing opinions about things and also about saying I don't know. Notice that no one around me ever says they don't know anything, especially at work. It's like some sort of weakness or something. Drives me crazy. I think it's not healthy to be like that because other people see it as a weakness.

What I believe changes every week. Maybe I'm no good. Flip-flopping is weakness. Boy, never say "I don't know."

And my boy marsh being patient meanwhile...